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The CQUL organizes events of a scientific nature directed to students, professors and researchers of ULisboa, also receiving individuals from other higher education institutions.

1st Meeting of the College of Chemistry (1ECQUL) – A Química na Investigação da ULisboa
Held from July 20th to 21st, 2017, at Salão Nobre (Rectory of the ULisboa) and aimed to researchers of ULisboa, it was attended by more than 200 people. The programme involved 4 plenary lecturers, 22 oral communications, 21 flash communications and 124 panel communications.

2nd Meeting of the College of Chemistry (2ECQUL) – UL Chemistry PhD Meeting
Held on December 4th and 5th, 2017, at Salão Nobre (Rectory of the ULisboa), it was aimed to PhD students of ULisboa. Of the 123 people registered, 14 oral and 19 flash communications were addressed as well as 27 posters. The event comprised as well three plenary lectures and an Alumni Session.

3rd Meeting of the College of Chemistry (3ECQUL) – Chemistry at ULisboa & 2018 Summer School
Directed to students and researchers of the ULisboa, was held from July 27th to 29th, 2018, at Salão Nobre and Complexo 3I of the Rectory of the ULisboa. The Chemistry at ULisboa was honoured with several national and international speakers and it also comprised oral (12), flash (10) and in panel (113) communications from a total of 217 participants. The 2018 Summer School was attended by 80 participants and lessons on entrepreneurship and relevant technological tools in Chemistry (such as NMR, MS, electron microscopy, bio-imaging and computational methods) were addressed by a diverse range of invited speakers.

4th Meeting of the College of Chemistry (4ECQUL) – Chemistry: Shaping the Future & 2019 Summer School
It will take place from July 16th to 19th, 2019, in the Salão Nobre of the Rectory of ULisboa, and will have a diversified program comprising a Congress for Researchers and Students, a Workshop with the Industrial Sector and a Summer School.

Link for registration: HERE

Training Action: The discovery of Chemistry in the laboratory: composition and chemical balance - FCUL
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Sciences (FCUL) will, again, hold from June 18 to July 23, 2019 a Training Action for Primary and Secondary Teachers in the area of Chemical Sciences (Group 510), entitled "The discovery of Chemistry in the laboratory: composition and chemical balance", which aims to deepen knowledge and develop laboratory skills crucial to good teaching performance. The teachers responsible are Prof. Estrela Melo Jorge (Coordinator of the Degree in Chemistry of DQB) and Prof. Margarida Meireles.

For more information visit the event page.

Training Course "Electrochemical Techniques - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL)
Intended for professors who teach the disciplines of Physico-Chemistry of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and the disciplines of Physics and Chemistry of the 10th and 11th years and Chemistry of the 12th year. It aims to promote the updating and deepening of knowledge in the field of Electrochemistry, giving particular emphasis to the experimental component, in order to contribute to the improvement of professional skills and increase the potential of motivation to investigate and innovate in the scope of Science and Technology .