Doctoral Programs
The ULisboa Schools affiliated to the CQUL (Faculties of Sciences, Pharmacy, Medicine and Human Kinetics, School of Agronomy and IST Técnico Lisboa) offer a set of interdisciplinary Doctoral Programs, involving several Schools of the Universidade de Lisboa and other National Universities and Institutes.
With the financial support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the following are listed:
- CATSUS (Catalysis and Sustainability), involving IST Técnico Lisboa, CQE/IST-ULisboa, FC-ULisboa, FCT-UCoimbra, IBB and UNova;
- MedChemTrain (Medicinal Chemistry), involving UCoimbra and ULisboa, in a consortium with pharmaceutical companies Bial, Bluepharma and Hovione;
- M2B (Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics), involving ULisboa, UCoimbra and UPorto;
- NeurULisboa (Integrated Neurosciences), involving FM, FC, FF and IST of the ULisboa, as well as the Faculty of Psychology.