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CQUL Noticias


Prof. Armando J. L. Pombeiro has been awarded the "Prix Franco-Portugais" by the French Chemical Society.
The prize awarded to Prof. Armando Pombeiro was in recognition of his "eminent works in the development of innovative catalysts...for industrial processes issues" and of "the strong links that he established with the French chemists". This is the first time this prize is being warded and the ceremony was held, in May 16th, at the Maison de La Chimie, Paris.

Professor Carlos Castro's Last Lecture on Technology Chemistry Days
On May 10th 2019, at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, the "Technological Chemistry Days" were held. Professor Carlos Castro, President of the Technology and Industry Division of the Chemistry College of the University of Lisbon, presented his "Last Lecture" on the occasion of his retirement, titled "Vou dar aula".
This lesson took place at 18:00H in building C3 of FCUL.

BUCT International Summer Camp for S&T Innovation
The Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) invited Portuguese students to attend the 2019 Summer Camp, to be held between 8th and 19th of July 2019, being local expenses (accommodation and transports in China) covered by the Chinese university. The process of the selection/recruitment is under way, coordinated by the CQUL.
(detailed information in the attached document)

1st International Conference on Noncovalent Interactions (ICNI 2019)
To be held in Lisboa from September 2nd to 6th, 2019, aims to highlight the role of noncovalent interactions in synthesis, catalysis, crystal engineering, molecular recognition, medicinal chemistry, biology, materials science, electrochemical immobilization, etc., including also theoretical aspects. Sponsored by the College of Chemistry of Universidade de Lisboa.
(for more information, check link)

XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry
It will be held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, from September 9th - 13th, 2019, under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Aimed to academic and university researchers, foreign scientists, pharmaceutical and medical business representatives, postgraduate students and students.
(additional information in the given link)
The satellite symposium "Mendeleev 2019: XI International Conference on Chemistry for Young Scientists" is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Mendeleev's Periodic Table discovery and gives the opportunity to young scientists to visit the unique Memorial Apartment Museum of Dmitri Mendeleev at Saint Petersburg State Univertsity, and also to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
(check first circular attached)