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CQUL Divisões


At the time of its foundation, the CQUL comprises the Divisions of Energy & Environment, Life & Health, Materials, and Technology & Industry.

Each Division is chaired by one President and two Vice-Presidents, integrating the members of CQUL that adhere to it.

The areas of activity, in the field of Chemistry (in the broad sense), are as follows:

- Division of Energy & Environment (E&E): sustainable synthesis and catalysis; green chemistry; fuel cells; transformation of hydrocarbons; biofuels and biorefineries; recovering of carbon dioxide; water and waste management; analytical and environmental chemistry.

- Division of Life & Health (L&H): chemistry of natural products; agricultural and forestry chemistry; agro-industrial and food chemistry; biochemistry; bioactive materials; nutrition; motricity; medicinal chemistry; pharmaceutical chemistry; safety and well-being.

- Division of Materials (Mat): functional materials; nano-, micro- and meso-materials; photonic, luminescents, magnetic and adsorbent materials; polymers; MOFs and supra-molecular; materials for energy storage and photovoltaic conversion; biomaterials; corrosion.

- Division of Technology & Industry (T&I): chemicals technologies and engineering; fluid technologies (ionics, task-specific, IoNano, supercritical, lubricants); technologies of production and separation operations; technologies of exploitation of natural resources; chemical process modeling; energetic integration and efficiency; quality control.